Drowning in Junk Mail – This Week in Junk Mail, 5 pieces

Well that streak ended quickly. It was a nice 10 day vacation from junk mail.

From the where are they now file is Annette Bosworth. This week her election law violations trial starts. The Argus Leader has a nice wrap up of everything that has happened so far. It all boils down to

Bosworth attested to personally gathering signatures when she was on a publicized medical mission trip in the Philippines. She also attested to gathering signatures on some Hutterite colonies, but residents interviewed said she was not there when they signed.

Good luck Annette, I hope you still have money left over from your senate campaign to pay for your lawyers. Oh wait you don’t. You used Forthright Strategy and they left you $33,000 in debt. Even though they raised over $2 million for you.

Constitution Watchdogs a project of the Committee for Justice

Constitution Watchdogs a project of Committee for Justice, Charity Navigator page. Opt-out here info@CommitteeforJustice.com and call (202) 270-7748. Their direct mail fundraiser is Morgan Meredith Contact page (703) 467-9341

Citizen Guardian

Citizen Guardian run by James Carney. Citizen Audit page, Open Secrets page. Opt-out here: (202) 469-3433, and email info@CitizenGuardian.org. Also opt-out through Engage Direct Mail info@uscomplianceservices.com. It takes 12 weeks to be dropped from their mailing list. I contacted them the first time in March. I have to wait until June for them to stop.

MIO Frontiers USA

MIO Frontiers. Charity Navigator page. Opt-out here: info@frontiersusa.org and call 800-462-8436. Their goal is to convert Muslims into Christians. Yah, good luck with that guys.

Pheasants Forever

Pheasants Forever Wiki page Charity Navigator page. Opt-out here: contact@PheasantsForever.org and call (877) 773-2070.

Sweepstakes & Contests from Guardian Entertainment Group

Sweepstakes & Contests from Guardian Entertainment Group

Sweepstakes & Contests Entry Report by Guardian Entertainment Group PO Box 422 Old Bethpage NY 11804. This address also uses the names “North American Prize Compiling” and “American Reporting Center”. Ug these guys again. This piece of junk mail has been like a nat for the past year. I can’t stop this mailpiece. They aren’t selling anything, asking for money, or having a sweepstakes, so I can’t use a form 1500 to make them stop. If she hadn’t died I would file a complaint with the DMA. If that didn’t work I would file a complaint with my state attorney general.

One pre-paid envelope ready to go

One pre-paid envelope ready to go.

Drowning in Junk Mail – This Week in Junk Mail, 56 Pieces

All 56 pieces

This week I have dumped Catalog Choice for PaperKarma. I have hit a wall, and was logging fewer and fewer mailpieces every week. Mostly because I knew Catalog Choice couldn’t help me anymore. So after 4 months and over 200 requests, I am giving PaperKarma a try. I will be writing a review for both of them in about 4 months. Fair is fair, I want to give PaperKarma time to work.

2 in 1 day club
2 in 1 day club. Including:

Response Unlimited junk mail
All of these are from direct marketing firm Response Unlimited, opt-out here

Citizens United
Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee selling themselves out to Citizens United

Mashed up political parties

Other political junk mail
Other random political junk mail. Including:

Sarah Palin poem
The Americans for Sarah letter is just to good this week. It has part of a speech she gave at CPAC in March. It is a parody of Green Eggs and Ham, but for conservatives.

I do not like this, Uncle Sam.
I do not like this healthcare scam.

I do not like these dirty crooks
Or how they cry and cook the books

I do not like when Congress steals
I do not like their crony deals

I do not like “oh yes, we can”

I do not like this spending, spree
We’re smart, we know nothing’s free

I do not like reporters’ smug replies
When I complain about their lies

I do not like this kind of hope
And we won’t take it
Nope, nope, nope


Big envelopes
Giant envelopes. Including:

7 Charities. Including:

11 scams.

Including one of the most long winded pyramid schemes I have seen. 6 pages double sided. All trying to convince me to send $97 to one person and $100 to another. If you can’t tell me your pitch in 1 page you are a terrible sales person.

I won’t be sending out any form 1500’s this week. None of them qualify. I have either already sent them out, or It is the first time I have gotten them. I hope the guys in the New York office don’t miss me.

Stuffed and ready to go
Here are 11 pre-paid envelopes stuffed and ready to go.

Scam from Australia
You should recognize this little scam from PO BOX 17 Varsity Lakes QLD 4227 Australia. I get it almost every week. Now with both her new and old address. As I am writing this, the mail for next week has already come, and I just got 3 more. Because it is international, I can’t use a from 1500 to make it stop. Or I would have stopped them months ago. I have sent every one back stuffed, not stuffed, nasty notes, crazy notes, and they still come. So this time I am trying something new. Instead of just “Take me off your mailing list” I have put “Deceased, She is dead” next to her address. I have not done this before because, she is in fact not dead. I also don’t want to mess up her Social Security and Medicare. But this one is international and they just can’t take a hint.