Drowning in Junk Mail – How to Opt-Out of Publishers Clearing House (again)

This is the 3rd mailpiece group I have gotten from Publishers Clearing House (Wiki page) in 3 months. I have opted-out twice. The second time because I realized that they have her name backwards.
If you are in the clutches of PCH please opt out of their mailings. If they won’t stop use a form 1500 and the USPS will stop it for you. I am so passionate about getting people off the Publishers Clearing House mailing list because they will sell you out to the worst mailing lists around. Because they use a strange variation of her name, I see where it gets sold to, and it isn’t pretty.

2 from Publishers Clearing House
This week I got these 2 mailpieces from Publishers Clearing House

Publishers Clearing House junk mail

Publishers Clearing House

Publishers Clearing House
This is the first letter. It is telling me to be on the look out for more junk mail from Publishers Clearing House. Yaaaa just what I need, junk mail telling me I’m about to get more junk mail.

Publishers Clearing House
Then just as they promised this arrived

The out side of the envelope talks a lot

Publishers Clearing House envelope
Uh oh She has Ignored Prior Bulletins. A crime punishable by sending more junk mail, according to Publishers Clearing House.

Publishers Clearing House envelope

Publishers Clearing House envelope
Some legalese at the bottom of the envelope

If you thought that the front was busy, check out the back
Publishers Clearing House envelope

Publishers Clearing House envelope

Publishers Clearing House envelope

Publishers Clearing House envelope

I am already exhausted and I haven’t looked at the contents yet

Publishers Clearing House
Here are the contents: return pre-paid envelope, rule book, the form to send back, 2 games, and stuff to buy

First the boring stuff: the rules
Publishers Clearing House rules front

Publishers Clearing House rules back
In defense of PCH, the font size is large and easy to read. The odds are clearly laid out (you have no chance of winning). They clearly state that you have not won yet, you don’t have to buy anything to enter and buying stuff won’t increase your chances of winning. Plus they want you to recycle. Oh I will be recycling this stuff alright. Just not the way they expect. This reporter signed up for PCH, and played every day for 6 months and won nothing.

Publishers Clearing House, Bingo and scrachers
These are 2 extra games. You play the bingo card my matching the number stickers on the left to the card, if I get Bingo (I did) I am then entered into another contest for $50. There are 2 scratchers. The blue one is to match the secret number in the box next to the arrow with one of the 3 boxes below (I did). The other is to see what kind of discount I will get off the stuff I buy from the PCH catalog (I got 50% off ) but the bottom of the scratcher says the “Maximum savings already reflected in Bulletin pricing” and the back says”Return of Savings Pass not required to receive savings” For shame PCH. This is the kind of stuff you were busted for recently.

Now that I have played the games and I’m getting an extra $50, $35,000, and 50% off everything in the catalog (no, I’m not) Let’s go shopping!

Publishers Clearing House catalog
There are 3 booklets to go through

Publishers Clearing House
Most important is to get the little “Initials Registration” sticker on this page. It will go on the order form.

Publishers Clearing House
Stuff some burgers, then exercise it off.

Publishers Clearing House
Wagging Tails in Heaven or 101 Advanced Sexual Positions.

Publishers Clearing House
Do you need a bag of old dimes or old pennies?

Publishers Clearing House
Melamine, Where have I heard the word before? Oh I know it is the stuff you put in milk and pet food and it kills everything that eats it. But the FDA says that it is safe in tableware. Bon appetit!

Have you picked out your 2 favorites? Because it is time to fill out the Entry-Order form!!1!!

Publishers Clearing House
The one on the top left is the order from that gets sent in. The rest is just trying to convince me to do it.

Publishers Clearing House

Publishers Clearing House
The “Initials Registration” sticker is there too.

Publishers Clearing House
The bingo card is stuck to the back

Publishers Clearing House

Publishers Clearing House
But you know me. I have to add special touches to the form. I blacked out the barcodes, and the 10 digit ID code. They process it by sending it through a scanner. They never open the envelopes. I have made it so they have to open it up and when they do, they will get my note and little sprinkle of glitter.

This had better be the last one of these I get. The next one is going strait to the Pricing and Classification Service Center in New York.


16 thoughts on “Drowning in Junk Mail – How to Opt-Out of Publishers Clearing House (again)

  1. Why go to this length? Just toss it out. Once, as a temporary worker in NYC, I worked for the organization which was involved in producing PCH. I was broke and desperate for a job. The office was on the corner of Lexington Ave. and a cross street near Grand Central Station. It was right above Burger Heaven, so we smelled hamburgers cooking all day. Enough to turn you into a vegan! I asked if PCH was a legitimate contest. The woman I was working with looked at me and said, “Well, no.”

    I am happy to share my comment, but PLEASE do not send me any emails (or mail)…thank you!!


  2. I found this to be an informative and funny article. I believe this has helped and will help a lot of people. Thanks for taking the time to go through your junk mail to explain the lengths this company will go to to get you to open, read, and return their junk.


  3. You know, I enter the Publishers Clearing House all the time, and I only receive one mailing promotion. Maybe (definitely) it’s just you. Maybe you shouldn’t click on and agree to things that you don’t understand. Reading a small amount of fine print just one time goes a long way.

    And you say MY generation is lazy.
    “But they promised”
    They promised nothing.

    “But they should or I expected”
    Well there’s your problem. You expected.


    • This mail was going to an 87 year old woman with dementia. This is an on going problem that PCH has had for years. PCH purposefully targets older people who either can’t read or understand the fine print.


  4. PCH is definitely a rip-off organization. They bombard you with contests that require you to reply to every single mailing or “you will lose your chance at $10,000 per week for life”. Their only purpose is to get you to order something by wearing you down and using scare tactic so that you remain eligible for this utopic great prize. What a joke.I just wrote them to opt-out of their mailings. Hopefully they will honor my request.


  5. Hey I got the mail from PCH and i don’t know it is fraud or not. It has a validation form same like yours and 10 digit code that they say I have to transfer from a piece of paper to validation form and put it into envelope and send it back. I’m confused.


    • PCH is a real sweepstakes. Someone does win the prize. The problem I have with them is that if you send back the form they will sell your information to everyone. If you don’t want unwanted junk mail don’t enter the PCH sweepstakes.


      • You have a better chance of being bitten by a shark, and being hit by lighting at the same time than winning the prize. PCH’s main product is not selling magazines or the cheap crap in the catalog, it is selling your information. Your data is their real product. You will mind the junk mail when they sell your information to scammers. You can never get off the suckers list.


  6. I have to move around a lot because of lack of money and funds I’m on disability I have a big pet dog I’ve had since he was a baby I ain’t getting rid of him so I have to move around a lot I can’t hardly find a place to rent I live in tents and don’t have mailing addresses a lot of times so it is what it is I do my best and a lot of times I don’t get mail


  7. Received a package from publishers clearing house with a bill which I did not order saying it would be nice if I sent a check back with my contest entry I sent the entry back saying that I had not ordered anything you can never get entered in this contest I am wore out opening junk mail


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