Drowning in Junk Mail – How to Opt-out of Junk Mail from Engage Direct Mail

Update: Oh how naive I was back then: My Battle to Stop Junk Mail from Citizen Guardian and Engage Direct Mail

Another day another direct mail marketing firm stopped. Today it is Engage Direct Mail.

Opt-out here. If that doesn’t work, email the Compliance desk, info@uscomplianceservices.com. You shouldn’t have any trouble with them, everyone I dealt with was very nice and very professional.

Update: LOL none of that worked. They ignored me, and I had to file a complaint with the DMA. I suggest you do the same.

National Sovereignty Center, Program of the Citizens Assembly

This is the only one I have photo of. I only took it because it was so small and cute. Little did I know that this little mailpiece would be the key to finding Engage Direct Mail.

National Sovereignty Center a project of The Citizen’s Assembly Inc does not have a website. They share a name with the Citizen’s Assembly Foundation. The CAF has put in their about section that they have no connection with these guys.
This is the bill The Citizen’s Assembly Inc wants to push through H.R.75 – American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013. Their Bizapedia page has the vital statistics.  Their Washington DC address is a law office that specialises in non-profits. The Virginia address is for another law office Sparks & Craig LLP now known as Herge, Sparks & Christopher LLP. Open Secrets page, Washington State page.

Volunteer Americans: For God and Country, The Council of Seniors

Here are some other people that use Engage Direct Mail
 Blog post from 2006 from a person who went through the same thing I did. The big connection he found was Gary Jarmin. He has his fingers in a bunch of junk mail pies:
To connect the dots between these scams, you have to google Gary Jarmin. Don’t be surprised if you get so many diverse hits that you think you’ve found a whole group of different people. In fact, he’s (a) a former moonie; (c)legislative director of Christian Voice; (c)national field director of the American Coalition for Tradition Values; (d) head of the American Federation of Senior Citizens, E) Freedom, USA; (f) American Intelligence Council…

4 thoughts on “Drowning in Junk Mail – How to Opt-out of Junk Mail from Engage Direct Mail

  1. HELP!!!
    Citizen’s Assmebly is RUTHLESS!!! I have been trying for about a year to stop the junk mail from coming to my Alz grandmother. But unfortunately, she lives alone, 30+ miles from her and will not allow us to switch her mail. So I grab what I can when I visit her each week.
    Any tips on what to do to get CA to stop sending her stuff? She send them checks all the time, so I feel we are fighting a losing battle.
    Thanks so much!


    • Your family needs to get power of attorney for your grandmother. That will give you the legal right to control her bank account. Then you can cancel any checks she writes. As for Citizen’s Assembly email info@uscomplianceservices.com and lay it out for them. Write the saddest letter you can. Make it so sad that they will take her off their mailing list and quit their job they feel so bad taking money from a grandmother with Alzheimer’s. Also file a complaint with the DMA


    • I try not to use private addresses to stop junk mail. It is better to use that address as a part of your formal complaint to the DMA. I would include it along with the office addresses. If it was the only address that lead back to the scammer then I would have no problem sending a request to stop sending junk mail to it. It is shocking how many junk mail scams are run out of private homes.


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