Drowning in Junk Mail – This week in Junk Mail 5 pieces

April Calendar

Welcome to April! Here is my little calendar with all the groups that should stop this month. Note that Conservative StrikeForce is on there.

All 5 pieces

I am really getting down to the nitty gritty. This week is filled will old friends.

All 5 pieces

Not the kind that you want to have a cup of coffee and a chat with. The kind you need to take out a restraining order on. If you read this blog every week you can’t help but to notice that I cut and paste a lot. It made sense when I was getting over 100 pieces a week. I was spending 20+ hours a week on this blog and I needed some short cuts just to make my self imposed weekly deadline of Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven’t looked up some groups since I did my initial research. For some of them it has almost been a year. That is a lifetime in the direct marketing world. So this week I re-looked up everyone. And I found some changes. They are all still scumbags, that didn’t change.

Western Center for Journalism

Western Center for Journalism. Wiki page. Source Watch page. Run by Floyd Brown Opt-out here and call (623) 217-7766 also opt-out from Response Unlimited

It is apart of Liftable Media Inc witch includes click bait mills liftable.com and thoughtfulwomen.orgBizapedia page, it is entirely run by Floyd Brown and his family. Patrick Brown has put up a slideshow made by Floyd on how to blog. I do everything he talks about, except the monetization.

Abraham Lincoln Foundation for Public Policy Research

Abraham Lincoln Foundation for Public Policy Research AKA Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, PO Box 254, Great Falls, Virginia 22066 Facebook page (no posts since 2011), Washington State page, Charity Navigator page (not rated), Guidestar page. Opt-out here contactus@lincolnreview.com (703) 759-4278. I got no response from either. Did you see that? I finally found a website for them. It has completely different contact information than the junk mail. The contact information listed in the mailpiece is novone@verizon,net and (703) 759-4599 that will get you nowhere.

Conservative StrikeForce

Conservative StrikeForceOpen Secrets page. From Fox Detroit:

“Since 2010, the Conservative Strikeforce has raised nearly $10 million. More than $9 million of the loot was paid to the fundraisers. That means candidates got less than 8 percent of the money donors sent in.”

Opt-out here info@conservativestrikeforce.com and call (888) 295-6480, mailbox was full. Also opt-out from ForthRight Strategy AKA Base Connect. That is right Base Connect changed their name last month. Kimberly Bellissimo and Scott B. MacKenzie have hung up a new shingle to run their fundraising scams. Was it because they are listed as a fundraiser for one of America’s Worst Charities? Or was it because if you use them as the fundraiser for your political campaign, you will no help from the Republican establishment? No, it was because CFO Michael Centanni was caught with child porn. He plead guilty. For those of you keeping track that is the third name for this firm since 2002. I have contacted Conservative StrikeForce and ForthRight Strategy AKA Base Connect already. Normally I would send a complaint to the DMA.

There were a couple of interesting things about this mailpiece. One was the amount of money it asked for: $2.16, $20.16, $200.16, $2106.00.

The other was the pretense of the mailpiece. It is to pick who your Republican Presidential Preference is. The list is: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal, Jim Gilmore, Rick Perry, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Sarah Palin, George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Undecided and Other. Over the past year I have gotten junk mail from no less than 7 of the people on this list.

American Seniors Against ObamaCare a program of Citizen Guardian

American Seniors Against Obama Care a program of Citizen Guardian, Inc. GuideStar page, Opt-out info@CitizenGuardian.org and call (202) 469-3433. They use Engage Direct Mail and InfoCision.  Mail from them should have stopped last month. Normally I would file a complaint with the DMA.

One part of the letter reads:

At a cost of about 45 cents for the printing and postage to get out petitions into the hands of just one person, I need to raise $450,00 within the next 30 days. And another $950,00 after to intensify the pressure right through June.

I need to stop mail from them before they “intensify the pressure right through June.”

Balboa Mailing Company scam

Balboa Mailing Company scam

Balboa Mailing Company George Taylor 510 W, Broadway STE 800 San Diego CA 92101. Opt-out info@moneymailerprogram.com no reply, or call (619) 760-0570 it is just a pre-recorded message about how great their program is. I have already sent in a form 1500 for these guys, but it won’t kick in until next month.

No pre-paid envelopes, and no form 1500‘s to send out.

Drowning in Junk Mail – This Week in Junk Mail 2 pieces

This week makes the one year anniversary of the start of this blog. Here is the first blog post.

For any new people who are just now finding this blog and are wondering why I am bitching about 2 pieces of junk mail, a few months ago the person who’s junk mail this is, was getting over 100 pieces a week. This is what one week’s worth of her mail used to look like:

Box o junk mail 104

Any junk mail she gets now has slipped through multiple layers of my trying to stop it. So you will have to pardon me if I go hard on these last few stragglers.

All 2 pieces of junk mail

The junk mail box is looking very empty this week, just the way I like it.

2 pieces of junk mail
Let’s meet this week’s junk mail: Tools for Freedom and an old friend, the NRCC

Tools for Freedom junk mail
Tools for Freedom call (800) 770-8802 and choose 4 in the phone tree to talk to a human. They offer “cutting-edge information and alternative health resources to empower, enlighten, awaken, raise consciousness, spread the message of freedom and promote the truth of what is happening in the world.” Whatever that means. They sell books, DVD’s, woo pills, and a side of paranoia.

National Republican Congressional Committee NRCC
This one has “Office of the Treasurer” in the return address corner of the envelope. But it is a lie just to get you to open it. It is from the Treasurer of the National Republican Congressional CommitteeWiki page, Ballotpedia page, Open Secrets page. Opt-out here and call (800) 424-0215

They are very concerned for my gal: “I hope everything is okay and you’ve simply delayed sending in your renewal.” (incase you don’t know, she died last month).

Another snippet reads” We’ve kept our overhaed low, but my current projections show we are facing a short fall of $687,500 going into the Second Quarter.” I am not a fancy  treasurer, but my suggestion for helping you budget woes, is to stop sending so much junk mail.

1 pre-paid envelope ready to go

Only one pre-paid envelope to send out this week.