Drowning in Junk Mail – This Week in Junk Mail, 56 Pieces

All 56 pieces

This week I have dumped Catalog Choice for PaperKarma. I have hit a wall, and was logging fewer and fewer mailpieces every week. Mostly because I knew Catalog Choice couldn’t help me anymore. So after 4 months and over 200 requests, I am giving PaperKarma a try. I will be writing a review for both of them in about 4 months. Fair is fair, I want to give PaperKarma time to work.

2 in 1 day club
2 in 1 day club. Including:

Response Unlimited junk mail
All of these are from direct marketing firm Response Unlimited, opt-out here

Citizens United
Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee selling themselves out to Citizens United

Mashed up political parties

Other political junk mail
Other random political junk mail. Including:

Sarah Palin poem
The Americans for Sarah letter is just to good this week. It has part of a speech she gave at CPAC in March. It is a parody of Green Eggs and Ham, but for conservatives.

I do not like this, Uncle Sam.
I do not like this healthcare scam.

I do not like these dirty crooks
Or how they cry and cook the books

I do not like when Congress steals
I do not like their crony deals

I do not like “oh yes, we can”

I do not like this spending, spree
We’re smart, we know nothing’s free

I do not like reporters’ smug replies
When I complain about their lies

I do not like this kind of hope
And we won’t take it
Nope, nope, nope


Big envelopes
Giant envelopes. Including:

7 Charities. Including:

11 scams.

Including one of the most long winded pyramid schemes I have seen. 6 pages double sided. All trying to convince me to send $97 to one person and $100 to another. If you can’t tell me your pitch in 1 page you are a terrible sales person.

I won’t be sending out any form 1500’s this week. None of them qualify. I have either already sent them out, or It is the first time I have gotten them. I hope the guys in the New York office don’t miss me.

Stuffed and ready to go
Here are 11 pre-paid envelopes stuffed and ready to go.

Scam from Australia
You should recognize this little scam from PO BOX 17 Varsity Lakes QLD 4227 Australia. I get it almost every week. Now with both her new and old address. As I am writing this, the mail for next week has already come, and I just got 3 more. Because it is international, I can’t use a from 1500 to make it stop. Or I would have stopped them months ago. I have sent every one back stuffed, not stuffed, nasty notes, crazy notes, and they still come. So this time I am trying something new. Instead of just “Take me off your mailing list” I have put “Deceased, She is dead” next to her address. I have not done this before because, she is in fact not dead. I also don’t want to mess up her Social Security and Medicare. But this one is international and they just can’t take a hint.