Drowning in Junk Mail – This Week in Junk Mail 30 Pieces

I didn’t think that I was going to write an entry this week. I had no junk mail from May 9th to May 17th. It was the 8 best days I have had in 2 months. No giant stacks of mail in my arms, as I trugged back to the house from the mail box. No paper cuts, or getting stabbed by my letter opener. It was wonderful.

30 pieces of junk mail
Then on Saturday the mail man dropped 30 pieces of mail on me. I consider this a victory. I was expecting the mail to get better the week of May 19th. The fact that it got better a week early is great.

The best pairing of the week was definitely Rand Paul and Al Franken.
Rand Paul and Al Franken
As if you needed more prof that this lady’s mail is very messed up. No one should be getting mail from both these people at the same time. And yet here we are.

As for the rest of the political junk mail, take a look:
8 random political junk mail

Only 5 charities this week
5 Charities

We have a new winner for most junk mail in one week. It was a hard fought battle, there being only one day of competition and all.
3 from Global Reporting Network, Junk Mail
3 from Diversified Marketing Group, I knew they had it in them. Opt out here info@divmarketgroup.com.
Update: Don’t bother with the e-mail it won’t work. Instead fill out a form 1500 to make them stop.

On the international scam seen we have all our favorites from the Netherlands
4 scams from the Netherlands
The one from Zetten came by way of  China, PO Box 1000102 Beijing

On the US scam front
5 scams from the USA
Topeka KS and St. Louis MO continue to send the most stuff.

Stuffed and ready to go
Only Planned Parenthood had a pre-paid envelope. But I had 3 hits on duplicate scams from the US. I only send out from 1500’s if they send me 2 or more. I then keep the duplicate return envelope as my record.